Dateline: Intersection of Misanthropy Way & Hope Ave, where stand many a SysOp. When I open my primary laptop, my first task is to close a box of messages that were left with me while I was away. I am not proud of or happy about this. However neither am I ashamed. As a person …
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DATELINE: Anyplace in the IP Suite where are laypeople. while true remains that most of our motd’s here at the grapevine are vague and exploratory in nature, this particular entry differs in that we begin with a clear, concise & declarative thesis: whosoever has ever used the word “newbie” – or any variant thereof …
Continue reading the n word (newbie)DATELINE: Reddit, WWW/Internet2. in a post requesting gnu/linux security advice at reddit/ubuntu, a user expresses paranoia about his new operating system installation being infected with a rootkit. as a person who has and will never use a trojan-style technological exploit written by someone other than himself, i had and continue to have no idea …
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